Feb 24, 2014

14 Day Water Challenge: Day 1

I was recently asked by a fellow Facebook friend to join her and a group of other lovely ladies on a "14 Day Water Only Challenge."  

Now when I first got this invite, I dismissed it and though, "pft, not happening." After a second look however, I decided to join in because food was still involved! Haha!

So the challenge is this: Eat, exercise, as usual but your drink of choice shall be water for the next 14 days. 8-10 glasses. Not that hard right? 

Today is day 1. My usual morning coffee was replaced with water. Oh how I longed for that warm, delicious, eye-opening first cup of coffee... I somehow managed to make it through the morning. I even did a couple of house chores... Not too shabby. By lunch time, I was hurting. I AM A CAFFEINE JUNKIE! By dinner time, I was ready to brew a whole pot of coffee for myself and ignore that I signed on for this... Hahahaha I'm weak, what can I say? 

Well I have pushed through dinner and I'm now lounging in front of the tv while The Bachelor prances around on a home town date. I hope to take this challenge a day at a time and tell you about the headaches, the irritability, and all that jazz. I have given up caffeine in the past and I've triumphed past the withdrawal stages. I hope I find success again, especially since I am chasing a very active toddler now and will potentially be fostering another little one soon (that is another post on its own.) 

For now, I have a mild headache and I want to quit... But it's only day one! I shall keep pushing forward.


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