Sep 10, 2014

Homeschooling: Week 3

Week three for us has been the wake up call from the "honeymoon" period. Haha! Or at least that's what I'm telling myself is happening.

Like anything new, homeschooling two boys has been a challenge as well as a big improvement around here. The boys and I are complete newbies at this whole thing so it's no surprise that we are working to figure all of this out. 

The first two weeks were like this honeymoon phase. You know, when your eyes are sparkly and everything is peaches and roses. Week three however, has been that tester week. I've had to be more "pushy" when asking the boys to get started with the daily lessons and they have been a bit more hesitant to follow instruction. (For this hormonal pregnant momma, that's not always the best approach... But we won't get into hormonal details today!)

Overall, the boys are following a pretty slick routine. (If you can call it that.) They stay up late so they sleep in. I would say by the time they roll out of bed and have breakfast... The clock is usually around the 11ish mark. At this time, they get started with computer time. Usually we can get all of our lessons in during this computer time. Math, reading, spelling, writing, science, foreign language, history, and the occasional tech skills, music, and art. Not too shabby for first timers eh?

They are self pacing and since I have some smart cookies, it takes them anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours to finish up everything and review with me. During this time, I have my 6 month old napping most days and Ben coloring and playing with the iPad on a Chalkboard Art app or the Hooked on Phonics app. The busy bags come in handy during "school" time also! (If you haven't seen the post on busy bags, check it out!)

I think the only thing we need improvement on are household chores and picking out better books at the library. They seem to love all those Goosebumps or Pokemon books and completely forget about real literature. I'm sure it will take some time to get better at this... Right?

If you've got this all figured out, feel free to throw some tips my way! Lol


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