Sep 12, 2014

Pregnancy: Week 25

This is the first pregnancy post for baby #5! I suppose I can blame that on the fact that keeping up with 4 kids, homeschooling, and pregnancy is kind of tough. Well it's not too bad actually, we just always have something to do.

I have three healthy boys, one pre-adoptive-super-adorable baby girl, and a bun in the oven. Baby #5 decided to surprise us and we truly didn't know we were expecting until we had almost reached the end of the first trimester. So this pregnancy seems to be passing me by way too quickly!

I feel good! Aside from the obvious weight gain, things are going really well. The only complaints are the occasional headache or heartburn. I can't say it's something specific that I'm eating because I'm following pretty much the same vegan diet, which is what I did while pregnant with my 2 yr old. His pregnancy was a breeze! No complaints, and I felt good the entire time! When I'm stricken with a migraine now, I think to myself that things could be a heck of a lot worse so I just suck it up.

Recently (as in the last couple of days) I have experienced a little shortness of breath as well but I suppose that this large belly is bound to do that to me anyway so it's not too big of a deal. I simply take it easy on days when I feel the shortness of breath coming on.  I'm experiencing a mix of emotions about this pregnancy. I know this is our last baby so I'm trying to really soak it all in. The baby kicks, the rounded belly, the ability to crave my soy iced chai with no judgement ;) lol... and of course, the loving cuddles from all the boys. They love to gather around my belly and talk to their "little bitty" sibling.

As I type, baby #5 is performing some acrobatic moves and I can't help but feel so much joy. I know there are tons of sweet couples out there struggling to conceive and they are always in my thoughts. I am blessed to have a lovely home filled with laughter, brother fights, and sweet cuddles.


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